I am back

It has been long since I have consistently blogged. I am going to try to keep up with it again...enjoy :)

Monday, July 30, 2007

Yay for pictures

Here is a brief over view of my past week..

On monday nigth I met these girls at Coache's on main street in Huntington Beach

Wednesday night was Sarah's bachelorette party...it was a fun one

Some good friends :)

Here is my basketball team. We all went out to dinner on friday night and then I took them to a haunted house and golden spoon. I don't think I have ever wanted a group of girls to know the love of Christ as much as I want these girls to know it. I have enjoyed every moment spent with them this summer. I will definitely miss them :)

On Saturday Kyle and Sarah got married!


Anonymous said...

Coach's is the da bomb

carsonbelmont said...

Picture updates are so much better thatn long paragraphs.

Anonymous said...

I disagree with Carson. i think some of your best posts are the ones you just write about what God is teaching you. =)

Anonymous said...

I disagree with Carson. i think some of your best posts are the ones you just write about what God is teaching you. =)